scavenge what you will [p]

WC: 600+
True facts. Sorry if my post is a bit incoherent. It's ben written over a couple days and I'm watching Russell Brandt right now. XP

”Well… Probably Cour des Miracles. If not there, I’ll likely be haunting the Etheral Eclipse.” Finn shrugged. It was quite possible that the king might deem her a rabble rouser and refuse her entrance, but from the way Vigilante described the pack it seemed unlikely. Finn felt most at home in the forests, though. There was shelter there, not the wide, open sky she had grown up under. She had learned to detest the clouds and the snow and rain they brought. As well, Finn could not stand any water deeper than a pond. The thought of those dark depths made her tremble in (quite rational) fear.

So it was the forests. The leafy, beautiful, quiet forests where Finn could slip through the underbrush like an unheeded shadow. There was plenty of food in the forests, and occasional streams as well. A paradise, as far as she was concerned. And Alastair didn’t mind it to, there were plenty of trees for him to scratch his itches on, and rarely any deer. They had been living in the forest since they had first stumbled upon it. Finn had only come out to Halifax on a day trip, part of her effort to map the world around her.

”I don’t really know about the other packs, but I know Inferni is off limits to me, based upon my bloodline.” The gray wolf let out a little amused snort at her own words. Fancy that, coyotes gathering themselves together into a large, cohesive group and excluding the wolves! They must have some fine warriors over there. Finn briefly entertained the thought of deliberately invading the territory, just to get into a fight. The idea was quickly binned, though, she didn’t want to get mobbed by coyotes. As small as they were, they could be just as good, or even better than herself, at fighting.

”It’s… Not exactly great.” Finn admitted, shrugging again, ”But that just might be my family in particular. My dad was a bit touched in the head. A complete xenophobe. I didn’t even see another wolf that wasn’t I wasn’t related to by blood till I was at least a year old.” By then, she’d already left home. The distant and imposing mountains had been traded in for the rolling foothills, and then the plains. The first wolf she had seen besides family had also happened to be a Luperci. The first wolf she actually talked to was later, weeks later.

”We had some family in the mountains around us, mostly my father’s sisters and their children. But usually it was just us four.” It was quite boring on the Fidh Family’s mountain. All snow and rock and ice. The occasional plateau, with a smattering of a few frigid, gray lakes. It was a wonder they managed to survive as long as they did. It was also no wonder that they sparred so often. It kept the blood flowing and their toes from losing feeling and falling off.

She smiled as Vigilante shot the question back her way. ”No, no family. I travel alone. Well… Mostly alone.” She grinned, wondering what the other wolf would think of Alastair. ”I have a pet deer that accompanies me.” She was beginning to see how very strange it was for a wolf to travel with prey, but still it did not bother her. She had never been raised on deer, they were rare in the upper reaches of the mountains, and she couldn’t catch one all by herself, so she viewed Alastair as one might view an eagle, or some other large bird. Inedible, but also slightly dangerous.


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