just a different scene
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His carelessness had attracted some attention. The startled coyote looked behind him, a muted hint of alarm creeping into him as the strange woman called out after him. He was not afraid of her. She looked so thin and bewailed that he could probably trip her up and buy himself enough time to make a hasty retreat to Inferni. But no, it was a much more profound uneasiness that entered him—there was something almost unearthly about her, about this place, about this night. It made a very strange feeling rest upon his shoulders, as well as his heart.

He caught the pale-furred wolf slipping from the tree branch, and the somewhat resounding thump of her near-limp body impacting the leafy ground. She crumpled into a heap of cream fur and fiery hair, and she did not move. She no longer shook. She no longer screamed. She no longer railed at the uncaring heavens in that strange, foreign tongue. Snake believed, for a moment, that she might be dead. In the dim light, he couldn’t tell if her back was rising and falling with the intake of breath. Carried by a morbid curiosity, the golden-furred coyote crept a few paces towards her. While still about ten feet away, he craned forward to see if he could tell as to her condition. If he were smarter, he would have obeyed his screaming instincts and run back home. But sometimes the cat was carried away with that curiosity, and sometimes it led to a premature demise.

Hopefully this circumstance was not so dire, but it was enough to make the usually-stoic coyote feel uneasy nonetheless. Not much could accomplish that on him. As he took another measured pace towards the strange wolf, he had one last thought of ‘maybe this is not such a good idea after all’.


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