my lullaby, hung out to dry


     She continued to breath and yet she felt as if she received no air. She felt suffocated, like a boulder was sitting on her chest and crushing her slowly. The woman could have never imagined things taking this turn. She had never imagined that her brother would do anything of this nature. Yet as much as she was hurt by what he had done, the threat of him leaving was a far worse thing. Savina had thought their bond would last until their last days. She had thought it was indestructible and that nothing could come between them. But now that had all changed. Now there was a large fissure in that bond and it seemed to increase more everyday. She could learn to forgive him and to move beyond all this if he stayed, but if he chose to leave then she didn't know if she could. She honestly didn't think that they could survive that. That was the last thing that she wanted, but she knew that her heart couldn't take any more than it already had.

     The fey clung to the sand beneath her claws as if afraid it would all disintegrate beneath her. "I never thought he could do anything like this..." she whispered, no longer having the strength to project her voice. The last encounter with her beloved sibling played through her mind. It had hurt so much. It had broken her and all that had been left behind was what she was now. Little more than a shell on the sand. "I'm loosing him..." The question of whether he would stay or go hung over her like a guillotine. She was willing to make so many concessions. Of course she didn't want to keep him from his children. They would be welcomed here, she would even let her come. He could still be a good father even if he wasn't in the same pack, right? She believed so. She had to.

     "I don't know what to do Anu..." Finally she mustered the courage to look at her friend. Her eyes were dark and haunted and her face was drawn. There was no mask now, no pretense of being okay. She was as far from being okay as she could be and she couldn't hide it anymore.


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