With my teeth locked down I can see the blood
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Does not! 300+

Bi-colored ears twitched at the half-hearted threat thrown at him. What the hell was wrong with him? Heath had never acted this way towards him before. "Heath, would you just calm down and think for a second?" Asking him that now was like asking the sun to randomly start shining in the middle of the night, but something needed to be said. He just wanted to get him somewhere where he wouldn't do anything stupid like pick fights with any of the pack members. Or go see Ruri. Either of those things would end very badly for the hybrid and he didn't want to see that happening to his friend. He didn't know what had driven him to hit the bottle so hard, but he needed to pull him out of it. Haven understood the importance of needing to escape that vice.

The black-gloved male walked closer and closer, the look of aggression constantly growing on his features. The Knight was holding out hope though. Hope that Heath would snap into his senses before he didn't anything brash and stupid. He was just trying to help him. He waiting, hoping for the best and was met with exactly the opposite. Heath yelled and that coal fist flew through the air at him. Haven jerked his head back but not soon enough as the knuckles crashed into his jaw. Loud pain throbbed through his head as he stumbled backwards. Why always the goddamn face? Why couldn't someone go for his chest or arms for once? It was always his face.

Haven held his jaw carefully and glared back at the older male. "What the hell man!?" he yelled angrily. Ears flattened against his head and his hackles rose along his neck. "I was just trying to help you, you idiot! You're drunk off your ass and no doubt going to try and do something you'll regret later, but you know what? Fuck it." He snort derisively, getting ready to turn away and leave him to his problems. "If you want to go and see Ruri right now or whatever the hell you were going to do, fine. It's your funeral." He wasn't going to take any more hits from people he was just trying to help.


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