A Hunter's Moon
http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv28 ... tokyo3.png); background-position: bottom; background-repeat: no-repeat; padding:15px; padding-bottom:0px;">
Big Grin 318 words

The strange large dual-toned male seemed quite startled by her words, even dropping a few grapes as he turned away. It amused Tokyo that she had such an effect on someone. His colors were strange, she hadn't even seen a male with those particular patterns. The vague similarity she saw between him and the father of her children, Raphael, was a bit unsettling. But Raphael (and consequently Buttface) had both been far more mottled, had more shades of gray, it wasn't just clear-cut white and black. The other wolf of black and white that she had known briefly had been Cwmfen's father - the pied male who had left still-present scars on her shoulder.

Of course Tokyo was welcome to try some, but it was courteous of him to say so. She examined the vines nearby, carefully considering every dangling fruit. She wanted to try the very best grape, because that was the only fruit that deserved to grace her lips, but... her inexperience with them made her uncertain about which was the best. Were the wrinklier ones tastiest? Probably not, they had a different tang in their scent. Going with a nice plump looking one was probably best. After all, the biggest things were usually the healthiest, right? The biggest fish usually tasted the best. Grabbing one superb looking little grape, she stuck it in her mouth. Ahk, like she expected, it was so sweet so sweet! I mean.. if you could deal with that much intense unusual flavor, it wasn't like.. that bad or anything, it just tasted like something you had to acquire a taste for. And she wasn't sure if the flavor was worth that sort of investment.

"Gah, it's so sweet! Do you really plan on eating all of those in that bag?" That would just be like, an intense explosion of wayyy too much flavor. It seemed sort of crazy, to be honest.

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