you say your truth isn't mine [aw!]

<3 And I decided to change the speech color, because I didn't like the color of the other one. ^^; 500+ words.

#####Their conversation was once again on track, and this seemed to please Haven after the rude interruption. The bond between the younger luperci and his horse was as obvious as the one Heath had told him about his relationship with Lumiere, except he could actually see the bond instead of just imagine it. He smiled in response to Haven's explanation, assuming it was true. It was difficult to imagine that there was a complete language barrier between the two species, because while he could not understand what his horse said or thought, it seemed that Nádherné was able to understand the things he said. The horses in the stables were not completely tame, he had been told, but there had not been a problem thus far. "I believe it," he mused in agreement. That Haven thought such a thing with such an obvious bond between boy and hore did not surprise him in the least.

#####Remembering the day he had been in the orchard near Dahlia, Vigilante recalled telling Adelaida that he was interested in restoring some of the fruit trees. As far as he knew, there were some within his pack's territory as well, but he had long since forgotten his ambitiolns regarding that. Haven's mention of an apple reminded him of that. "Do all horses like apples, then? Aside from what he eats on his own, I'm rather uneducated about what I should feed him," he admitted, turning his head to study the stallion beside him. He was glad that he had opened the door while Haven was gone, because seeing the stoic horse outside made him feel as though they could be comfortable with one another. He was still wary, but he was glad to know that he could apparently trust the horse near him and others, luperci and horse alike.

#####The name Firefly was unfamiliar to him, though he knew he had not met everyone in the pack. However, if hse had been here three months ago, then he must have seen her at some point in time. During his first few weeks in the pack, he recalled meeting two females and not learning their names. The scarred female had been revealed to him as Svara, but the other one was still unknown to him, and was possibly this Firefly. They had, after all, met near the pasture with all of the horses. "He was," he confirmed, though it did not really require an answer. For someone so inexperienced with horses, he would never have trusted himself to be near horses that were not enclosed or relatively tame already. He still did not know what he was going to do about the horse, either. The shed seemed like it would do for shelter, especially if he built fencing around it, but what would he do to occupy him? "What do you do with Drogon? I'm not sure what one does with a horse, really." It was a poorly worded question, and for that, he grinned sheepishly.


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