my lullaby, hung out to dry


It was so hard to hold the tears. The urge to join her friend in her sorrow was overpowering, and to think that she had known of the pregnancy. Anu should have spoken to her the moment she knew, perhaps they would have been able to answer the question of the sire earlier. It mattered little when the knowledge was gained, the pain would be the same. It was a betrayal, and Anu knew all to well the pain that had first come about by the Commander’s actions. This was acid to a gaping wound, over kill of a woman already on the verge of emotional death. It was not her way to believe in a male’s instinct, and yet her brother was genuine and loved Savina. It was near unbelievable that he would do such a thing.

Her eyes looked out onto the ocean, glazed by the tears that threatened to grace her cheeks. Her voice was lost, the words of Savina calling to her mind and heart. When had it happened? Anu wished she knew the moment Ehno had been swept away from the Dreaming lands and into Naniko’s grasp. Would he go? The question, and the possible answer would go unsaid. It lingered in the air, haunting the two women and slowly destroying one. Anu felt the pain as well. He was not her brother, but the hurt that Savina felt filtered into her own heart. The anger was hers as well. At times when all else drifted away, they always had each other. And Anu felt that connection deeply now.

There was nothing that she could do. “I know Savi.” She spoke in comfort, for the truth was lingering in the air around them. There was nothing, the choice was his. At her name Anu looked to find the green eyes Savi owned, and yet there were mere shadows of the emerald orbs she was accustomed to. No smile could come to her, hope a shadow as well. It would have been easier if none of this had ever happened. Why couldn’t they just go back and change what had happened?

Softly, “We can only loose what we let go.” Anu wished the words to be true. She wished that there was a way to will the past to be changed and to make the future one under their control.


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