Winter song
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Word Count: 383

The stranger's conclusion was different than what she had meant, but it was ok. She did make her own music, but what he had heard had not been created by her. It didn't matter, and she let the sentence slide without a comment. She blushed at his compliment and mumbled a faint Thank you, but chose not to speak further on that either. She was bad at taking compliments, and did not want an entire conversation around whether she was talented or not. She liked her music and she had been taught by some nice folks, but she didn't really know whether she was a talented person - or just one well trained. When he started talking of his reason for being here, she felt herself relaxing more, but was still tense and her eyes did still glance from the male to the children every so often.

The way he phrased himself was strange to her, but maybe he was new to this place. Foreigners did have a different way about them, as she had learned when traveling two years ago. Her tail made a little jerk as he mentioned feeding three - so he had a family too?! She loved talking about families now that she had one. In fact, there was no other subject she'd rather talk about, but music held a strong second place. "So you have a family, too?" She smiled, interested.

His request to learn the art of music broadened her smile; she was teaching Alexey to play the piano, and she enjoyed every second of it. She learned so much by teaching others that it became a resource of growth in itself, although she had had little time for that after the litter was born. She was about to speak when he interrupted himself and gave his name. Mew gave a little smile again. "My name is Mew, and those three are Dexter, Keeleigh and Vesle." The trio looked up as they heard their mother speak their names, but quickly went back to playing. "I.. can certainly teach you, but it's not done in a day, I think." Unless you're very very talented. Her head was cocked sideways as she looked at him, before it her hand moved in a gesture that told him to come closer.


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