boy with a coin.

Oh my goodness! I thought I was waiting for a reply for you. >< Sorry about that!

The best for him. She wanted the best... for him? He turned back to his mother, his teal orbs taking in her cold form. She had always tried to do the best for him, that was still unknown to the boy, but he could still feel a maternal bond working. Their relationship was strained, but at the very least he knew that she was a provider, and she had worked to provide this new place for him. A slight whine escaped his throat, as he scuttled towards her body and nuzzled her. She was still warm against the cold autumn air as Pfenix looked down at her. "She's..." He held his breath, hoping that the words weren't true as they tumbled from his mouth. "She's not here anymore is she?" He turned to the other then, eyes mournful and expressive.

He didn't really want to be here at the moment. He wanted to be anywhere else but here. This was not the best for him. This place - with the dirty sand and the painful rocks, with the weird wolf-coyote that looked like him but didn't, with his mother who wasn't here anymore - was not the best for Pfenix. He bolted then, running to the only source of comfort that was in eyesight and lodged himself towards the other golden coyote. He pushed his head towards the eyes of the other, begging and pleading. "I don't wanna be here!" He choked, a simpering whine emitted from his jowls. "I don't even know you..." He stated, and ironically enough he pressed his little body even closer to the stranger. He didn't know the other, but he sure as hell wasn't leaving him.

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