With my teeth locked down I can see the blood
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Anger and pain burned his insides and his instinctual urge was to strike back, but he held it in. No, he wouldn't do that unless Heath came after him and he had no other choice. Though he wasn't entirely sure if they would still be friends after this. You hit your friends for no reason. Despite all the signs Haven had held out hope that the hybrid wasn't going to do what he thought he was going to do. He thought he was going to straighten out and snap out of it. He hadn't though, and now his jaw throbbed and ached. A growl rumbled in his chest as he looked back to the mottled male and instantly he saw a change. His face was shocked and he backed away.

Apologies hit his ears, but he still watched the other warily. After someone had just came after you you looked at them differently. Haven always gave others the benefit of the doubt and it was now the second time that he had taken abuse for it. But then he saw moisture on Heath's face. Was he...crying? Never before had he seen the man cry, or even come close to tears for that matter. His caution and temper began to wane. It had been a mistake, and when his friend said that he didn't know it was him Haven believed him. How could he really be upset? It wasn't like he hadn't done some irresponsible crap while sloshed.

The Knight sighed, still tenderly rubbing his jaw. "It's alright." Slowly he walked over to tree Heath was curled up at the bottom of, looking down with pity. "What happened? Why were you drinking so much?" Heath needed help and Haven didn't know if anyone else would be there for him. He wasn't going to let him fall into a self destructive cycle.


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