my lullaby, hung out to dry


     Her body twitched and shivered, a futile attempt to keep itself warm. The woman was soaked and the wind was cold and biting on her wet body. There was no warmth within her either. Her insides felt cold and dead. A small spark still flickered in her chest. Her love for her mate and her children. It was really the only thing keeping her going at this point. If not for them she probably would have drowned herself. Not probably, she knew she would have, and that was a terrifying notion. How close she was to the edge. How close she was to snuffing out her own life. Her chest tightened and her jaws clamped together, teeth inadvertently slicing open her lip. Blood filtered into her mouth, but she didn't even feel the pain, just the dull realization that she had hurt herself. The fey couldn't help but wonder if she'd ever feel anything again, aside from the constant and painful ache.

     Savina wished that she could believe the words that Anu spoke, but she couldn't. At least not when it came to this. Her head shook slowly from side to side. "I wish it were that simple, but it's not," she stated hollowly. No matter how much she wished that whatever happened she and Ehno would still be close, she knew that it wasn't true. The last thing that she wanted was for her bond with her brother to be broken, but just not wanting it wasn't enough. Things had already changed so drastically. If he left it would be more than she could take. It would be him leaving behind their entire family to be with the woman that had torn them apart in the first place.

     Resentment and anger came to her, slowly inflating her fragile form. He hadn't listened to her. Twice she had tried to start and tell him the other things Naniko had done to hurt her and he hadn't listened. Ehno had never ignored her in that way before and it cut her deep and only heightened her strong feelings against the ex-Commander. "I hate her." Those three words were spoken with more conviction than she thought herself possible of. "She's done so much to me. No one knows. I don't think she was ever really my friend. She never wanted me to be happy." Ehno hadn't listened to her, maybe Anu would. She needed someone to know. She had kept it inside to protect Kansas but it was destroying her now. She couldn't bear the burden by herself any longer.


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