Take Me to Where the Birds Fly
http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/S ... ainbow.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat; width:375px; border:1px #AD0B12 solid; font-size: 10px; line-height:12px;">

Hi there! =D 500+ words.

######Time seemed to drag on forever, and she could not believe how boring it happened to be. Since her visit to Cour des Miracles with Haven, nothing particularly exciting had happened in her life, and before then, the only exciting thing that had happened in a while had been the pack celebration. Prior to that, making up with her brother had been the highlight of her life, but that was two months ago! Weeks had passed in between every relatively exciting thing in her life, and that was very far from exciting. For heaven's sake, she was just about fourteen months old. She shouldn't be this bored all of the time, most certainly not. There had to be something she could do, other than sit alone or roam aimlessly. If it were not for her brother, her respect for Savina, and her general status in the pack (she was, after all, higher ranked than many, and this unfortunately did matter to her), Princess might have felt the urge to wander. As it was, there was no option in doing that, especially after promising her brother that she would not leave him again.

######She sighed, knowing that she had been stupid in promising him that, especially with what was budding between her and the Knight of the neighboring pack. Haven probably would not leave his pack, and Ares would not want to leave this pack and Mati, so she was, for all intents and purposes, stuck where she was. it was not that she was unhappy in Crimson Dreams, but she just did not know what to do with herself! Throwing herself backwards onto her bed, Princess growled in frustration. Maybe going for a walk would be a good idea, as there were surely parts of the territory that she had yet to explore. Even if she could not wander completely, she did not have to stay in her room alone and bored all day. She could, at the very least, find something new to do within the pack's territory. With that resolve, she wasted no time in exitting the mansion to breathe in the brisk autumn air, the different shades of blue fabric of her dress ruffling in the wind.

######Walking through the territory with no purpose, Princess felt her agitation from before slipping away, stolen by the wind like the fox steals prey. Her mood was lighter, even a small bounce in her step. Maybe all she needed was to get out every once in a while. Coming to a stop, Princess stared at the strange, rusted object before her. Probably it was some human contraption, but it was one she certainly had never seen before. Studying it thoughtfully, she was surprised that there were noises coming from inside the strange machine. "Hello? Is someone in there?" She paused, listening in earnest for some sort of response before continuing. "You'd better come out here, because I'm not going in there!" Her tone was guarded, as she was not sure whether or not she trusted the noises coming from within the human contraption.


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