Somethin' filled up my heart with nothin'

     No worries! And cool! Big Grin 300+

     What would happen to them all, she wondered. So far she had kept her brother's transgression a secret from her children. Knowing he had gone and had kids with the woman who had hurt Cambria would upset them terribly, especially her fragile daughter. She knew it couldn't be kept secret forever though, as much as she might have wished it. It was the type of dilemma every parent and particularly every mother went through. You wanted to protect your children and keep them safe, but at the same time you did not want to close them off to the world and smother them. If they ever met those cousins, would they be able to accept them as family? It was a tough prospect for her as an adult, she couldn't imagine how difficult it would be for them. The closeness of the Marino family was up in the air, and it made her uncomfortable. They had always been so close that being this near to coming apart was frightening. It almost felt like letting their mother down.

     For all the pounding of the rain she had not heard or smelled anyone approaching the lake behind her. Honestly she wouldn't have expected anyone else to be out in such weather, it wasn't exactly pleasant. Finally her ears picked up the faint sound of movement and she looked to see what it was and surprised to see her son. It was a pleasant surprise though, for every moment with her pups was precious to her. A genuine smile came to her features and she was thankful that she could blame the moisture on her face on the rain. A contented hum came from the mother as her boy greeted her and leaned against her. She licked his muzzle and nuzzled her nose on the top of his head. "Ciao il mio principe" Savina almost called him her "little prince", but she supposed she couldn't really do that anymore. There wasn't much "little" about Gotham any longer. Even though she had just been thinking about it she couldn't believe how big he was.

     Arms pulled her child that shared her coloring into a hug. "I thought I was the only one out today. What brought you into the rain, caro?" Of course he would probably ask her the same question and she wasn't entirely sure what she would say in answer. She had a feeling that he knew that something was troubling her. Hiding her tears was easy, but she hadn't been trying to conceal her mood until he appeared.


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