it's off to work we go

Jenny r slow. :[

His silent glancing around for whatever stranger was lurking about didn’t last long. The figure made itself visible within a moment, strutting confidently toward him. The snowy-gold figure offered him a mocking sort of greeting, giving him the impression that she wasn’t about to run along nicely to get back to whatever the hell business she was previously attending to. The doggish canine stifled the growl that came to his throat as he carefully watched her. Great, what the hell did she want? Dante felt the phantom weight of his baseball bat in his hand and he internally berated himself for forgetting it once again. He clenched both of his hands into tight fists and shoved them into the pockets of his shorts. It was an effort to both calm his nerves and hide those damn twitchy fingers of his from this stranger.

He offered the she-wolf a glare along with the action, content for a brief moment to seethe silently. It was mighty tempting to just turn around and walk off, ignoring this unwanted encounter. The hybrid boy had the feeling that this wolf wouldn’t exactly be content to just let him storm off, though. He contemplated what the least annoying way to move on would be. Dante stood around like that for a moment, like a fool, before deciding to open his trap. “Don’t think that’s any a yer business, stranger, he retorted lamely, unsure of just what he could say to make her go away. Being a jackass usually worked like a charm, especially around the girls.

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