you can bang your drums (we will play along)


The kid just muttered some obligatory reply and remained rooted in place, that same idiotic look on his features. He just stood there. And stared. And stared some more. Dante kept his amethyst gaze on the kid, irritation growing more and more every second. The coyote boy had managed to respond, but he was apparently too dense to take a hint and get his ass out of there. There were plenty of other places that the kid could wander off to and stare at whatever the hell he wanted. As far as Dante was concerned, the kid could frolic off and do any damn thing he wanted as long as he was somewhere else. The city was huge and he could easily find somewhere else to play. Andante wasn’t about to move for the likes of this idiot.

The doggish male could only handle so much of the sit-and-wait game. It was obvious that the whelp chose to be too stupid to skip out, so the hybrid boy knew he was going to have to take matters into his own hands. He took a few more steps toward the kid, swinging the aluminum bat idly as he approached the building. He brought the bat up to rest on his shoulder once more, amethyst gaze never leaving the sandy-furred youth’s form. The destroyed postbox lay forgotten behind him. “Then how ‘bout ya move yer ass somewhere else, huh?”

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