
Word Count: 200+

Hello! I’ve haven’t rped with you yet, have I? Nice to meet you! Smile

Just to be clear, no one can see or hear Cuhlain but Finn.


So who’s children are they, hmm? That tall, pirate’s? The one you so kindly ran away from after you gave yourself to him? Or the idiotic, three-legged collie’s? Cuhlain was busy at work, even now during the pale light of the cloudy day. Finn sighed, slashing angrily at the drunk of an innocent pine tree, scoring the bark deeply. Her belly had not yet begun to show that she was pregnant. To everyone the small bump could be explained off as a full stomach from all the good hunting in Cour des Miracles. Everyone except Finn and Cuhlain, that is. The she-wolf had only realized it a couple days ago, and had been moody ever since. Cuhlain had shown up soon after. It was like he was drawn to her misery as a vulture was drawn to carrion.

The breath that left her mouth clouded on the air, and she watched it dissipate. If she concentrated on something, Cuhlain occasionally faded into the background, or disappeared entirely for a time. But if had to be something interesting. Nice try, girl. He cackled, circling around her silently. His blue eyes glowed with eerie intensity as he stared her down. Finn couldn’t keep his gaze for long, and with a little, pained shrug she moved on. She could smell another wolf nearby, a real one, and she followed the scent. There was a figure digging in the hard earth, carving out a den. Finn stopped, leaning against a tree at watching the process. She could hear Cuhlain grumbling, but it was growing fainter.

”Finn's words”
Cuhlain's thoughts


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