.For Once In My Life.

There was a frost that lay thinly against the grass early that morning, the smallest sign that winter was so very close. If she had been from any other lands Anu would yearn for the warmer touches of the south. But this was all she knew, and what came to mind was the plant life that had yet perished to the chill of autumn. She walked slowly, and had been since before the Sun’s awakening. The thin and fragile woman sought out the northern lands, for solitude and moments to think. The world was far from calm, in further places as well as with in the Lt. General.

The world caught up with her, a call drawn her ears to the sky and after figuring the direction the swift woman moved towards a place in the Dreaming lands she did not frequent. It was Jazper that sung to them, the running wolfess realized, and there was only one thing that would provoke the father-to-be these days. Scent told her where to go, and who was leading her there. Their Commander, her sister, Jazper of course and a male that she did not know had gathered, and Anu approached with an uneasy silence.

Blue eyes looked at the large black wolf, and then down towards his mate. Savina crept close to the birthing dam, weary and nervous. The tension was thick, and Anu only knelt beside the two black wolves in a supportive silence. A hand rest on the male’s shoulder, there if anyone needed her.


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