With my teeth locked down I can see the blood
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... banemo.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
These two feel like such a bromance at times XD 300+

Haven didn't try and argue with Heath on the matter of apologies and whether or not things were okay. It was pretty clear things weren't okay for the hybrid. Even when their friendship had just started the mottled male had never been hostile towards him. For him to actually be screwed up enough to not recognize Haven and take a swing at him spoke volumes about the state he was in. Deep down the morte dre Soul was a good person, he had seen it from day one. He only acted the way he did because of all that he had been through. He would never be able to understand the extent of the damage, for he had been lucky enough to have a loving family around him despite his origins. Heath hadn't been so lucky and so there was no judgment. They had been there for one another on multiple occasions and that trend wasn't about to stop now. Haven wasn't going to leave his friend out in the cold to fend for himself.

Bi-colored ears twitched at the accented words that flowed from that mouth. "No you won't. I know you wouldn't do that to her." How could anybody do anything to hurt the blind girl? If anyone ever tried Haven would be on them with sword and fang faster than they could think. It was impossible not to love her. Ruri was so kind and innocent, so pure. She was the kind of thing Heath needed, and if they made one another happy then the matter was settled in his mind. His features twisted to those of confusion. "What are you talking about?" The Knight hadn't heard any talk of a falling out between the hybrid and the collie, and surely he would have. If Ruri had been hurt in any way Jacquez would have raged over it. If there was one thing that the monarch cared about over himself, it was Ruri.

"Everyone makes mistakes Heath. I have, you have, we all have. Hell, Jac is just as flawed as any of us if not more so." He was far from blind to the faults in his leader's character. "Ruri would accept you no matter what and forgive you if you were truly sorry, if there is anything you've done to hurt her." It seemed to Haven that Heath was in the mindset that he did not deserve Ruri and he needed to stop believing that.


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