left hook, you've got dead aim
http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv28 ... tokyo3.png); background-position: bottom; background-repeat: no-repeat; padding:15px; padding-bottom:0px;">
wait is okay, because as you can see i'm slowww atm too. XD. 365 words. sorry this post is sort of weird. oO

Tokyo had no problem whatsoever with the masks she wore; it would have been harder to face someone without one. A mask prescribed a certain set of behavior. Once twitched into place, decisions were not an issue. She knew how she was supposed to act, and she knew what she was supposed to achieve. The fluidity of her transitions made it incredibly hard to pick out anything fake about her various personas. Part of that was surely due to the fact that.. she didn't really know too much who she was without wearing a mask, so as much as she knew she was faking something, it was when she was faking something that she felt most like herself. It was a very convoluted thing that she didn't really like to dwell on, so she usually didn't. Who decided that this worm should be crawling around her mind now of all times, when she was supposed to be striking a good first impression with her leader of all leaders?

Give her humility, politely angled tail and ears. Give her worry; paint the lines beneath her eyes, fill the icy orbs with heavy sorrow (that was easy to draw from a secret well somewhere inside). Give her hesitancy, lace the words with concern. "Not.. not too well, actually. My daughter's been missing for quite a while - Princess, did you ever know her? She was a member of the pack. Do you.. maybe know anything about where she might have gotten off to?" Tentative hope hung on the last few syllables, working it's way in there as if Tokyo was trying so hard to keep it out, to keep from believing that Cercelee might know.. As if she had hoped too many times before, only to be disappointed. The worm, again, gnawing at her thoughts. How much of this was real? How much of it was at least based in reality, but exaggerated for a good show? A flutter of panic coincided with the realization that Tokyo didn't actually know, but the tight control she held over her body language kept it from being expressed in the slightest, stifling it as rapidly as it had initially burst.

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