The rabbit-hearted girl
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OOC// Thats alright. Glad to hear it! :3

The ebony lady watched her with peculiar, calm eyes. Alaine held her gaze for a moment as the other spoke, her voice soothing. Abilities that might serve the pack... Gaze of most brilliant emerald darted between her slender, scarred form and that of the bulky black and ivory male, his own blood-red eyes having cooled to a more level control now that the situation seemed to be in hand.

" What are your names? If you’re in need of a place to stay, you might find solace here. It’s better than trying to steal food, which is going to get very hard as soon as the winter sets in.”

Once more, the kindly nature seemed to baffle the young mother, whom stood straight now upon her slender legs. Hands, which fidgeted like little cream birds at her sides, fisted and unfisted - One rose to rub absently at a scabbing wound on her arm, the small prickles of pain seeming to clear her confused mind. Solace? Winter? Intelligence had momentarily fled, but all aggression seemed to have finally seeped out from the exotic beauty, and quite suddenly she seemed a small, frail thing.

" My name... I am Alaine. Alaine Winters. My son is Caillen."

Again, the smooth flow of her voice was musical, the accent nearing on a melody as her mouth hesitantly formed the words. She hadn't been asked her name in a while... Hadn't been spoken to in a while. The courtesy felt strange and foreign now.

" A healer is something that we lack. With our new litter of pups anything is bound to happen... find solace. You will be better for to live here like she stated, with your current state it will hard for you to live through the winter let alone your child."

As he spoke, her round, bewitching eyes quickly measured up the male once more. He seemed to be in his prime, strongly built, clearly a fighter with that aggressive attitude. Either that, or simply very stressed at the moment... Strange, that she should wonder about such things. At the end of his words, Alaine's gaze trailed to Caillen, watched her child and felt the overwhelming surge of love and protection swell up in her throat again. Tears stung painfully behind her eyes as she watched the child respond to the ebony lady, his flopped ears flicking forward to her inviting voice, those owlish sky blue eyes filled with innocent curiosity to her words.

" I am her l-l-little man." He said, with a stubborn and defiant tilt to his cute little maw, "It's my j-j-job to take care of her!"

At this, the tears ebbed free of their bindings, one or two managing to slide in crystalline rivers down the mother's cheeks. All at once, the weight of caring for her child alone, for so long, seemed to crash down upon her shoulders. The pack would accept them. Finally, her son would be safe! She had never considered using her talents of healing as pay for protection before - They had always been a speciality of hers, something the young beauty had fostered with great care since her youth. When her eyes next lifted, though shiny with tears, there was the strength of true hope within them, something she had not allowed herself to feel for a long, long time. The young lady straightened, and bent to scoop up her son, auburn curls dancing gaily about her fine, feminine features. Assuming that the one whom had introduced himself as 'Leroy' was dominant, she addressed him first, clearing her throat of emotion before speaking.

" I thank you... You wont regret this."


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