ever so sweet
http://sleepyglow.net/souls/gifts/bullskullorange.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;"> Sorry for the wait! <3

A deer. That cloud was most definitely a deer. It had been some time since the Russian boy had last seen a roaming deer alive. The jerky they ate on board was the only reminder of those graceful animals. How he would love to taste the warm meat of a freshly killed deer between his teeth. A grin played along his features. When the sound of movement caught his ears, Silas titled his head to take in the world behind him. Everything was upside down and it took a moment for him to pick out the form of the approaching female. He smiled, and lifted a hand to wave, though decided to pull himself into a sitting position instead.

"Hello кукла," he called to her, turning his torso to better face her. Now that he was right side up again, he could get a better look at her. She had a rather large and tall frame, but the way her wavy hair fell past her face seemed to soften her appearance. He waved then, wondering if she came to him in peace or protest. He surely didn’t want to get into a fight today. "Where is this?" He asked, motioning to the area around him. Even if she decided to kick him out of here, Silas would at least leave with a name.


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