the sky was full of wings
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That's relatively close to Inferni, right? ^^; 500+ words.

######The Inferni clan was one she had been warned about. Anselm had told her that it was full of madmen and murderers, and the pompous Jantus had told her not to do something stupid when she had mentioned that she planned to go there. Of course, this had only encouraged her even more, and she was completely certain that she was heading in the rigth direction. Though she generally preferred her shifted form, loving the way that her mane looked and the way that the human dresses fit her so well, she was running in her regular wolf form today. It was the form that Anselm had seen her in during their one meeting, and it was much more efficient when it came to moving great distances, so she had decided to use it that day, deciding that it would be the most efficient form to use. Running in the direction of Inferni, Princess was conveniently "forgetting" that Anselm had told her to go to the garage in Halifax if she wanted to find him, as she had decided that an excuse to go to Inferni was to tell Anselm how great his advice had been. She had made up with her brother, and things were even progressing with Haven, so she absolutely had to tell him the great news.

######A similar scent to the one she remembered of Anselm reached her nose, causing Princess to move in earnest. The outline of a canine was visible among the trees and, as eager as she was to see this menacing Inferni and to find Anselm, she refused to acknowledge that the smell did not seem completely identical. It was no matter; surely that was related to the time that had passed since they had met on the rocky shore. "Anselm! Hey, Anselm, wait up!" she shouted, nearly tripping over herself in her eagerness. Princess supposed she was less excited to see Anselm than she was to possibly see the dreaded clan, and she figured that being with Anselm would give her a reason to go closer. She could always just ask him to talk and walk with her, and then she could casually move in the direction that she thought Inferni was in, since he had not seemed particularly keen on her visiting there, either, having warned her off the idea and what not.

######The closer she got to the figure among the trees, however, the more she realized that he most certainly was not Anselm. For one, they looked different, and smelled different, despite the obvious scent of Inferni on this male, as well. Coming to a halt, Princess stood awkwardly, ears pressed back against her skull nervously. Despite her earlier bravery, being faced with an actual member of Inferni that was not Anselm was completely intimidating. "Y-You're. . . Not Anselm," she said, feigning coolness and fixing her posture so that she did not seem nearly as alarmed as she had upon first realization that this was not the coyote she was looking for. Perhaps she did not need to worry, however; surely not everyone in Inferni could be crazy or bloodthirsty, and maybe she was lucky enough to come across someone who was not interested in hurting her. Just maybe, and she certainly hoped so.


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