love is a loyalty sworn, not a burden

     <333 500+

     Ghita's pups had been born and the two of them were alive and well. It had done the Marino woman well to see that sight, to know that finally her sister had been gifted with the lives that had been taken from her those years ago. It had been one less thing to constantly worry over, which was a blessing. Yet at the same time it gave her all the more time to think about her brother and that whole hornet's nest. He still hadn't come back and each day that passed brought with it more more anxiety, more apprehension, and more fear. Would they ever be able to fix things? Would he ever come home? Would things ever be the same? Well, of course things would never be exactly the same, not after something as large as this. But she hoped that at least part of their bond could be salvaged. That it wasn't all lost.

     Savina had gone to bed that evening with the rest of her family, their sleeping forms scattered around her, but as much as she needed it sleep would not come to her. She woke with the slightest noise. Her ears flicked back and forth constantly drawn to every creaking floorboard and movement. It had been a long while since she had had a truly peaceful night of sleep or a morning where she felt rested. The cloud of all her worries hung around her like a cloak, and despite how they tortured her she couldn't let them go. If she did, she feared it would be letting go of him and that was something she couldn't do.

     So with her mind so strained and her body so lacking in the things it needed, when she thought she heard someone enter the house and come upstairs to a room she thought she must surely be imagining it. Wishful thinking. The Italian fey tried to push herself into sleep, but it still wouldn't take her. Then she heard more movement. Was someone moving down the hall? Had someone stopped in front of her room. She looked at the crack beneath the door, but of course all was dark and so no shadow of feet could be seen. Still, she had to go look. Even if nothing was there, which she was convinced there wasn't anything, she wouldn't even be able to try to sleep until she looked.

     Quietly she rose up and moved to the door, delicately opening it, and there he was. Savina blinked, not believing her eyes, but there he stood. Her heart caught in her throat and she felt frozen. The bags under her eyes were evident and if she hadn't been currently hidden behind the door he would be able to see her slightly emaciated figure, the dullness of her coat. For now all she could do was stare though. Her lips tried to move, but no sound came forth. She had been waiting for this moment and now that it was here she felt horribly exposed and under prepared.


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