Dreams only she can understand
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Her muscles shivered as she stretched, easing out the stiffness in bruised joints and abused bones. Completely unaware of her audience, Alaine yawned widely, rubbed at her eyes absently and tucked some stray ringlets of bright auburn fire behind one tufted hark. She turned, gracefully light on her feet, and immediately froze.

Uh oh.

" Good day, Miss. Are you enjoying it?"

The wind played absently with her hair, and that of the tall, handsome stranger. His smile was not returned, not for a good long moment of terrified silence. Somewhat resembling a deer in the headlights, Alaine's maw opened and shut, her pupils dilated as she took a few hesitant steps back towards the thick trunk of the pine tree. Those brilliant jade eyes soared over first his body, then the HUGE beast behind him, who watched her with intelligent brown eyes from it's superior height.

" I... I..."

Her voice was lost in a sharp breath as the stallion pawed at the earth, the slender beauty's entrancing figure beginning to tremble. Twas as if all her fears had collided upon this falsetto of a bright, sunny day. Features bleached with terror, Alaine's eyes sought an escape, any escape.

" Please, I didn't... I haven't... I know how to heal! They said I... I would be safe! Please..."

The woman's strangely beguiling accent, normally musical and endearing, was thick with fear. It seemed she had not heard a single word of the stranger's kindness, saw now only the nightmare of her past, equipped with some giant ferocious beast she'd no claim to knowledge over. And, sieged with exhaustion and the pent-up emotion the young beauty had been fostering for well over half her years, Alaine felt her walls come crumbling down and the panic attack claw up at her throat. Forcing herself to suck in deep breaths, her clawed hands digging sharply into the bark of the tree, the exotic lady shut her eyes tightly.

The horrors that danced beneath her eyelids offered no comfort.


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