the room's on fire, she's fixing her hair
Oh man XD 300+

        Haven's face briefly contorted into a frown when Princess spoke on the subject of his sister. He knew that what had happened had been hard on Mati. He still didn't understand completely how it had affected her so seriously, but he had stopped trying to question it. The plain fact was that she had been and he was sorry that he had done anything to hurt her. He had had a feeling that she wouldn't warm up to Princess right away, but hopefully in not too long she could get over whatever was standing in the way of the two girls seeing eye-to-eye and things would get better. "Just give her some time," he said quietly but reassuringly. "She just worries about me." The last time he had seen his sibling he had asked her to give Princess a chance and he trusted that she would keep her word, even if it didn't come right away. Mati wasn't the type to be mean to someone simply out of spite.

        She leaned even closer and the smile returned to his face. Then she kept getting closer, and closer, and sliding her way onto his...oh no. Haven's eyes widened in panic. As she situated herself on his lap he felt the pressure of her body and softly whimpered in both pleasure and embarrassment. He felt like such a sleaze! They had been having a nice conversation and he had been doing his all to hide this from her and now there it was. Ears flattened against his head as she spoke, his face burning with shame. "Princess, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean...I couldn't help it..." Excuses, excuses. They all seemed so contrived and he hated it. He really was sorry! He really hadn't meant for this to happen! "You just looked, and it just...happened..." Oh yeah, that sounds real good. He wanted to go hide in a closet he was so embarrassed. She was probably disgusted with him. Why did he always have to go mess everything up?


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