little cities miserable on all the maps
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The footsteps moved away from the door, turning down an aisle and slowly making their way towards the back of the store where Silas waited. He stood silently, merely listening as the wolf meandered down the aisle, obviously stopping to look at some of the bottles that lined the shelves. Her scent grew much thicker in his nose as Flayra turned a corner and came into view. Her stark white color stood in high contrast to Silas’ dark coat, and he studied her for a moment before speaking. Before he had a chance to say anything, however, the girl spoke. "Uhh I do not know this word," he replied, confused by ‘cape’, as it had not been taught to him.

He moved towards the counter, pulling himself onto it and sitting, letting his legs sway gently over the side. "Mine name Silas. You?" He asked, gesturing towards himself, before motioning towards her. Her light coloring reminded Silas of his brother Anatoliy, and he found it odd that both times he had wandered into this store, thoughts of his brother had arose. "You live here?"


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