learning the pack
OOC: forgive me if I make a mistake, I'm still new. if I do mess up tell me so I can correct it, please.

A grayish-white wolf wandered around Aniwaya, curious as to what kind of people lived here. She was new to the pack and wanted to know who did what in the pack. Aria kept looking around, both to find the dwellings of the other wolves, and to make sure no-one crept up on her unawares. She kept her body language submissive at all times to keep herself from getting in trouble for not acting her rank.

Then, with a start, she looked around and realized that she had managed to get lost, and had been too concerned with searching and acting her rank, to mark the path she had taken. Angry at herself she sat down and looked around hoping to find a familiar landmark... before giving up, and sighed "Wonderful... now I'm going to end up wandering around for days... damn..." Aria sighed and tried to calm her self.

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