one date with the devil
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ooc -
that font on your table is sexy~ 260 words

ic -
It took no time at all for her to recognize the voice. It wasn't one you easily forgot, especially not considering how many nights she had woken in a cold sweat thinking it was whispering in your ear. Her muscles tensed, but she didn't move. Healthy or not, she probably couldn't outrun him. And she wasn't about to let herself get cornered again. This was a fairly wide open space. If he came closer, she could get away. So instead she slowly turned, trying not to express how afraid she was, but most definitely giving it away with the slight quavers of her body as she lay there, considering him with cool green eyes.

"I dunno. It seems like the sort of thing fate would throw my way. She hasn't been too kind to me lately." Fate was certainly no friend to the cancer-stricken youth. What kind of hybrid her age walked around with a death sentence on their head? She felt bold, reckless almost. Sofia was safe. She had the friendship of one of the leaders, and even a coyote pack could hardly condone the murder or abuse of members by members. That would lead far too quickly to dwindling numbers and unstable loyalty. She smiled with an assurance she didn't feel, knowing she was playing a dangerous game at taunting this would-be murderer. But at the same time.. feeling more alive than she had in ages. Playing so casually with your life tended to do that, she supposed. "I don't believe I caught your name, last time we met..?"

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