the pharaohs killed the first born son
Sorry about the wait. School and life eated me. Sad *comes to live under your bed away from it all*
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He was oblivious to her presence at first, too caught up in the unfamiliarity of the architecture around him. Hezekiah was surprised, for as well built as the building was, including the library, that more coyotes didn’t billet right up inside of it. But he also supposed that it may have been the location — far from Inferni’s heart, close to the wolves at the door — and maybe something a bit more feral too; he had noted that like his home before, the coyotes (hybrids, if one desired to be politically correct) embraced what was ingrained in them for generations, rather than the bizarre humanistic ideals that had since come into existence at their extinction.

He watched with translucent blue eyes as the rain slid down the windows, heard the faint patter as it met its demise, and was slowly met with the sensation that he was being watched. It encroached upon him just as quietly and slowly as the coyote who watched him and for a moment, he didn’t act on the nagging sensation. But as it were at the end of that long table, he had to turn to face another direction eventually, and when he did he caught sight of her out of the corner of his eye. But despite the perceptive warning, he still showed surprise in his eyes. But it melted away underneath the glare, deference seeping into his expression and body language just as naturally as breathing came to all.

But he had seen the shade of her eyes, he had seen the sharpness in them.

He fumbled for something to say, some sort of excuse, but nothing but unintelligent sounds started at the back of his throat. He cleared it. “I,” he started and stopped, going quiet for a moment. Hadn’t Anselm said something about someone living in the mansion? “Are you… Halo?” Hezekiah took a leap of faith, deciding rather to query her before she could him, and rather than explain himself. He wasn’t even sure what exactly he had done wrong, but that had more to do with his association of expression to reaction to something he had did or did not do.


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