you say your truth isn't mine [aw!]

Sorry this is crap. :< 300+ words.

#####Nádherné snorted loudly, rudely interrupting the flow of conversation, and Vigilante could only assume that was the horse's way of letting him know that he agreed that it would bne quite some time before there would be any riding going on between the two of them. The was fine with him, truthfully, if it ever did happen. Initially, he had not been planning to ever get on the back of the horse, but discussing it with Haven had given him a slightly different view in that he might consider it seriously as time and their relationship both progressed. "I will remember your offer," he promised, tucking it away in the back of his mind. His confidence in having the horse had grown slightly since beginning this conversation, but he simply did not feel as though it was something he could do alone and still feel completely sure of the situation if and when it presented intself. It would not be something to take lightly, and he felt that it would need to be treated delicately for anything good to come of it.

#####It seemed as though many who came to this pack had not been in good shape before joining, though he was curious to know the circumstances of what had happened with Haven. It was simply in his nature to want to know the answers to everything, and if he had not been keeping some of his own secrets, he might have considered asking for more information or probing deeper in hopes of his superior giving up the information willingly. However, his respect for privacy, both his and the privacy of others, dictated his silence for asking any other questions of the boy. "I belonged to one, far away from here. It was very large compared to this pack, but I did not know many of them on a personal level, so it was easy to leave when I decided it was time and enough had happened." The only one who would have kept him there had died by his hand, so of course there had been nothing left for him to stay there for, especially after giving up his profession.


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