Everything You Do Feels Better

Word Count: 311. Worth 2 points.

Her comment caused the young man to drop his bag, and she could not help but giggle, trying to make it more polite by covering her mouth with one hand. She was not trying to be mean, after all. The boy whirled and then softened, so to speak, looking over her. She smiled wider, trying not to show just how flattered she was. After all, he was apparently young, by a decent amount. Even if he were crushing on her, she wouldn't let it last. He answered her, and then asked her to identify something within the bag. She was not sure just what she would find there, but she strode forward to peer into the backpack all the same.

When she was near, he took the box from the backpack, opening it to reveal something that brought a smile to her face. It was full of little metal things, like she had seen some wolves wear. At one point, Hanna had considered having something pierced on her own self, but had never had the guts to do it herself and hadn't actively sought a wolf to do it for her. Maybe he would pierce her ear for her, using one of his finds? A silvery hoop would look pretty on her right ear.

Hanna had just opened her maw to ask him if he would and to answer him when the blonde boy spoke again. Her eyes? He thought they were pretty? The medic was glad he could not see her blushing beneath her fur. He introduced himself, giving her an excuse to gloss over the compliment. She did speak then, starting very softly, her voice rising to normal levels after the slightly embarrased gratitude. "Th..thank you. My name's Hanna. And those are for piercing one's self with. Like a decoration, y'know." Mentally, she facepalmed, she sounded so weird.


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