Dreams only she can understand
http://i204.photobucket.com/albums/bb17 ... eader1.png); background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat;">

OOC// Many apologies! I didn't mean to partake in any control of your stallion. By the way, you have a very nice writing style :3

From behind the woman's shut eyes, the dark world seemed to be safe. The panic that clawed up from her chest began to abate as control cyphered back into mentality, the young lady taking a moment to catch her breath. The stranger was still standing there; She could feel his presence, hear the shallow sounds of his breathing and that of his beast. There seemed a long moment in which she fought with herself to regain commandment of her own body, her own frozen limbs, her own shuddering heart.

" If it is him that you are afraid of, you do not need to worry, Miss. Nádherné will not hurt you,"

This time, the voice did not send Alaine into the perilous, dark waters of terror. This time, the voice did not echo with that of the one in her past, those bleak memories which bleached like ivory bones in the desert of her mind. Hesitantly, brilliant green eyes opened to the world once more.

The stranger was tall, but he was smiling. And the beast which had struck her as a terrible monster before seemed now to be nothing but a large, hornless stag. Alaine shifted slightly, found that her claws had dug deep into the bark of the tree. As she plucked them free of nature's grasp, the young beauty allowed herself to exhale, concentrated on the calmness that had now began to seep back into her frail frame. It was another moment before she could speak, those beguiling jade orbs watching the male carefully, her hands now folded together like two restless cream doves.

" I... Forgive me, sir, please do. The panic attacks, they come so unexpectedly."

Now that it was free of the bindings of fear, Alaine's accent was stark and melodic. Her voice seemed to hum softly, the musical sounds matching her whimsical frame. Jade gaze continued to dart back and forth between the man and the stallion, showing her anxiety in the flick of a thick, bushy tail. You stupid, stupid girl! What if he takes offense? What if he thinks you some simpleton? Her thoughts momentarily fled to the young boy, asleep in the hotel. She couldn't allow her actions to rid him of safety, even if that meant putting those lurking phobias behind her!

" I didn't intend to be so rude... My name is Alaine Winters, sir. I arrived here last morn."

She smiled shyly, brain just now aware of her tousled red-gold hair, her dirty pelt, her protruding ribs. How unfitting for a lady to be seen in such a state of frazzled unkempt! Though it was peculiar for her thoughts to flee in that direction, Alaine grimaces slightly, one hand lifted to try and comb some sense back into her tumbling curls of auburn. Oh, he must think the worst of me now...!


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