Strawberry Fields

Pilot was truly happy that Dierdre hadn’t forgotten about their planned visit to see his family. He had been looking forward to it, but placed thoughts of the trip in the back of his mind when she had fallen ill. He knew that taking care of things at home was more important that trailing miles and miles to revisit the life he once lived. Though he loved his mother and brother very much, he loved Dierdre just that much more.

He guided them over to the skins, sitting down on the soft furs and sliding a plate of fish towards her.
"Here you are, love," he cooed in a gentle voice as the aroma from the food reached his nose. Though it seemed delicious, there was an anxiousness, an anxiety, that was curled deep in his stomach which almost made it impossible to eat. He picked up his own utensil and sampled a taste of the fish – pretty good, though nothing compared to what Dierdre often made them.


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