Old stomping grounds

I Speak this, I

dream this, and I 'think'


You "said this"

Anderung walked along, not thinking about much of anything. Snow was gently drifting down from the light grey sky, a peaceful setting. Meer had always liked snow. Whenever it was falling or was on the ground, it was strangely quiet and peaceful. It was as if the whole world had gone to sleep in its white blanket, the gentle breeze would occasionally tug at her amber pelt. Tiny ice crystals shown on her fur, and her violet eyes stood out against the white. She looked around, noting that she had come to a clearing. It was as if the whole world was in grayscale, without color, without sound, without life. Anderung suddenly felt very lonely and shivered. She shook off some snow and then plodded onward.

Dark red ears pricked as her black nose twitched. There was another wolf up ahead of her, a bit to the left. She snorted to clear her sinuses and breathed deeply. The cold air held secrets of the other, a male wolf. Meer began to trot briskly toward that wolf, whom she could now see as a dark outline against the snow. She felt reasonably safe, as the scent did have the distinct Storm smell. Her violet eyes flickered as she moved closer to the side of the other wolf. She wagged her tail briefly as she stopped a couple of paces away. ”Hello, sir.”

"Thanks for starting this, and that was a very long post you did O_O;; Lots of history stuffs."


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