ever so sweet

sorry this is short.


Mati didn’t really consider herself a pack protector. She was the Nanny and would rather watch over pup play then defend the border from rouges. Were there really any wild beasts anymore? She wondered as she looked at the stranger lounging along the shore. He looked far from feral with his blue handkerchief around his neck. It almost matched the eyes that looked at her as he rose to greet her. Yet they were less rich, but a fabric would surly rip before holding a color as sharp. The sky reflected in clear ice watched her, his words heavy with some sort of accent and distracting her from the mere look of him.

“This is Crimson Dreams.” She told before asking, “Where are you from?” She was capable as asking questions just as hastily as he was. His accent, and the mere sight of him were foreign. It almost made her smile as she looked downwards at him. Instead of kicking him out Mati sat beside him, waiting to know where it was he hailed from. His scent gave her no notion, and if he was lone beast perhaps he needed a home.


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