Old stomping grounds

I can try to make them shorter from here on in, I just got into a writing mood today, don't know why. It definitely helps to have a character whose been around a long time, though.

Skoll sensed the approach of the other wolf, but not as early as he'd prefer. In his pensivity he had let his guard down...he was doing that more often, lately, a result of his lack of sleep. It was advantageous that he had chosen to return, until he could get his edge back and maintain that constant wariness that he had carried with him and put to good use for so long, he wasn't fit to watch his own back anymore. Turning his scarred and one-eared head toward this new female, he nodded in greeting.

"Well met, miss. I'm Skoll, surbordinate. Technically a new member." He had spent more time in this pack than probably any other member currently a part of it, though Phoenix might be giving him a run at this point, since he'd been there for Storm all the time that Skoll had been banished. Nevertheless, it felt strange to consider that he was a new member here again. It had been three years since he'd joined Storm the first time, and almost a year since Gibraltar--threatened by his standing and concerned about his strong stance against Inferni--had cast him out. Skoll did not regret helping Naniko escape with her life, regardless of his alpha's reaction to it, nor did he regret telling the alpha off for his misplacement of loyalty, taking the words of a common enemy to attack the integrity of his own subordinates. He had never thought of Gibraltar as a good leader, his concept of loyalty had always been skewed, always very alpha-based, the emphasis had always seemed to be the pack was there for him rather than he was there for the pack.

Skoll had told him flat out when he'd first arrived that he'd physically evict him from Storm if he abused his authority, but the pack fell into line behind him quickly enough thereafter, despite his lack of popularity, and Skoll had decided that if the pack was content with its leader, then the transition was done. His ascension had meant the departure of Layla, of Cross, of Tsunami, and ultimately, of Skoll. Skoll had remained for the long haul, but when he wouldn't back down on the subject of pack security--his job--Gibraltar had attacked his honor, attacked his integrity on the word of a group of known pup-murderers. All respect for the alpha had left Skoll then, and he'd never wasted another breath trying to cover for Gibraltar again. It wasn't but for the request of Phoenix that he had even rejoined Storm, and that was to extend his protection over it again, as well as to receive protection in return.

"Not completely new to this territory, though," he gave a very slightly mischievous smile. "I don't recognize your smell, so you must have joined within the last year?" Not much of a guess, most people didn't spend their entire lives here, but he enjoyed having the certainty. He had seen the faces there the day of his expulsion, Pilot who he had just recently met then, Phoenix, as well as a few others who were no longer around. Times changed, and so had he. He had returned with the promise to leave Inferni alone. He'd cut them down readily enough if they came here, but in the meantime, let them slay who they would. If the other packs wanted to do anything, or ignore it, that was their business.

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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