people just liked it better that way
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    It was as if they were functioning on two different planes of time. Razekiel’s face was lost in a fog, and his sun-yellow eyes did not seem to hold focus for very long. The source of this apparent confusion was obvious. A long time ago (at least, it felt like that now) Gabriel had been familiar with such things. He had abandoned the smoke and the drink after the last fit. No longer could he afford those blank spots in time, and no more did he trust his subconscious given the terrible things it had done.
    Gabriel’s weight shifted and his forelegs came off the ground as his brother embraced him. Had this been another time, he might have been a long lost dog found by its master. Gabriel’s body tensed in the embrace, but he allowed it. As far as he could remember, Razekiel was not a danger to him. “Right,” his voice drew out. “You forget I was born before you, little brother?” Though there was mild mockery, it was not cruel.


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