my lullaby, hung out to dry


     The promise came without her having to wait for it and the fey sighed with both relief and the sheer magnitude of the information she was about to impart on her friend. It would be odd, speaking aloud the thoughts that had plagued her for so long. It needed to be done though, for her sanity's sake. She knew that Anu's promise was airtight and that not a word of this would be breathed to anyone else. If she hadn't had that assurance, she probably would not have been able to divulge all this. Her Lt. General was as good as her word though, and if she couldn't trust her then she couldn't trust anyone. "Do you remember, when Kansas and I were first seeing one another, that night that I told you I didn't think that Naniko was happy about it? I know that she wasn't, and I think I know why." Of course she could never be certain, but Savina found it hard to find any other explanation that made sense.

     She swallowed past the large lump that had formed in her throat, the words not wanting to come out easy no matter how badly she wanted to say them. "She slept with him." Her eyes slammed shut and her face morphed into a wince as she said it. It made her sick, so much so for a moment she feared that she might actually empty her stomach on the beach. "Kansas. And another male, while she was still mated to Conri." Nothing could ever excuse what the Church male had done, but Savina now better understood how his mental collapse had happened. This didn't mean that she forgave him, but there was a part of her that pitied him for having his lover betray him in such a horrible way.

     Savina looked back to her friend. "She wasn't happy I was with him because she didn't want anyone else to have him, even though he was like a brother to her." It was hard for her to even wrap her mind around how wrong it all was.


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