burning beacon in the night
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... mbiban.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

She couldn't ever remember being embarrassed about her appearance before, but right now she felt naked and exposed. She didn't know if it had to do with how scared she had been moments before or just because of the newness of this shape. Maybe it was even a combination of both. Either way she was very aware of how different she looked now and even though there had been no hint from her cousin that she looked bad or wrong in any way she couldn't help but feel that she somehow didn't look good. She felt like a child in an adult's body and it made her uncomfortable. Nothing really felt like her and so gave her a sort of odd detachment from herself.

Unsurprisingly Conor had noticed her sudden emotional change and with concern back in his voice he asked her again if she were okay. Her fingers fiddled nervously in her lap, wondering if he would understand how she felt. "Yeah, I'm okay...I just don't...know how I look and everything feels so weird. I guess I just don't feel right, not sick or anything, just...not the same." Cambria wasn't sure if she had really gotten her point across. Even her tongue felt clumsy in her mouth and finding the right words had seemed nearly impossible. She didn't know if everyone felt this weird when they first shifted or if there was something wrong with her. Anu had told her that it could happen later than half a year, but she couldn't stop worrying that she hadn't done it soon enough and now it hadn't happened quite right or something.

Shyly she looked back up to meet the lilac eyes of her cousin. "Did you feel weird when it happened to you?" He was older than her, and obviously had had his first shift, so she hoped that he would have some answers.


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