Is there an answer?
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Her smile and assurance that her injury was an accident soothed him but he was still curious as to how it had happened. Ruri was usually very careful about moving around and had the paths that she used to walk about the lands memorized. Perhaps it had been something as innocuous as a branch that had fallen down in one of her paths and she had tripped over it, but it seemed that it was no something so simple. Part of him wanted to immediately launch into questions to get to the bottom of it all, but he decided to hold his tongue for the moment. The more pressing issue was to get a fire started so her little cabin could warm up. "No problem. I'll bring some extra logs in too and set them by the fireplace so you won't have to go outside to get them." The last thing she needed was to catch a cold from being too chilled.

Haven moved to the woodpile he had seen on his way in and gathered up as many of the logs as his arms could hold and then moved back inside. He walked over to the fireplace and set them down in a noisy clatter, laughing a little as they rolled around. "Well, you shouldn't need to worry about getting more wood for a while." He gathered the wood back up and set the logs he wasn't using in a nice pile to the side of the hearth. "I'm setting the extra logs to the right side of the fireplace." Haven then took the two driest logs and set them in the fireplace, lighting a match and waiting patiently for the wood to catch. Thankfully they did in only a few minutes and soon there would be a nice fire roaring and warming the Lautari's home. "There we go, things should start warming up soon."

Dusting off his hands Haven walked over to the couch and looked at the bundled up female. "So, you want to talk about how that happened?" If she didn't want to discuss it then he would let it go, but he wanted to make sure that it hadn't been anything too traumatic for her.


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