
     Silence stretched on, but he got the sense that the boy approved of the fact that he was not friends with Haku. He doubted that the Soul man even had any friends. Who could be close to such a vile creature? Onus did not understand why Cercelee had placed the monster so high in her pack, it seemed like a rather irresponsible move to him. Haku was a loose cannon, a dangerous thing that he couldn't believe any pack would tolerate, much less in such a high position of power. Once again he wished that he could find a way to make Cwmfen see what a danger he was and convince her to take their children and leave this place. It was too risky for the twins here. The moment they were unattended someone would happen to them, the man felt it in his gut.

     Suddenly a barrage of questions was thrown his way and he thought he was talking to someone much younger than the near adult beside him. He was used to such questions flying from the mouths of youths, but usually not someone as old as Conor. He guessed the boy really couldn't help himself, Onus knew that he was quite the unusual figure. He supposed their mutual dislike of the kid's father gave them a sort of camaraderie, and so he answered the questions slowly, one by one. "With practice it is not hard." He had the wrap on so often that when he took it off his oculars felt overloaded and the world was far too bright and saturated. "I mask my scent so I'm harder to track down. It is good for what I do." The Old Spice used to serve more of a purpose than it did now, but it was just habit for the male to wear it.


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