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It's fine! x33 And Feb 28 is actually perfect ^^

Dierdre was now used to the weight of the necklace around her neck--it rarely bothered her any more. She liked wearing the necklace because it made her think of deuce...but had ended up having to replace the thing that it had been hanging on with something else, a long piece of tanned leather. The necklace had gotten stuck in her fur a lot, and she had wanted to be able to keep wearing it without it pulling out tufts of the white fluff.

It swung back and forth as she walked through the city, walking aimlessly around. It was good for her to get some exercise, to get out a bit more than she had been...she hadn't been feeling good again lately. Dierdre had been wondering if it had been the flu coming back...but this came and went. It wasn't really that she threw up a was just that she wasn't ever hungry any more. And sometimes she felt dizzy, like the ground was tilting underneath her. She didn't know what these symptoms meant, that they pointed toward the inevitable. She was pregnant.

The two year old put her face up as the breeze swept through again. She was surprised at how warm it had gotten outside; usually it stayed bitterly cold this time of year. Maybe it was a sign. The girl closed her eyes for a moment, enjoying it for a short while. She was distracted when a peculliar scent hit her nose, one from the past. It intrigued her. Dierdre started toward the smell, knowing she was heading in the right direction when the smell started to get stronger. Before long she could hear something, too, a long, haunting melody. She came into the churchyard quietly, closing the creaky gate behind her as she went to investigate. Her knees felt a little weak, and she nearly stumbled as she approached. "...hello?"


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