burning beacon in the night
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... mbiban.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

She hoped that he didn't think that she was being stupid. From what she knew boys didn't worry so much about their looks as girls did and so she didn't know if he would understand her embarrassment. Nervously she chewed the inside of her lip, wondering how he would react to her feeble explanation of the feelings that were rushing through her. Shyly she glanced back up at him and noted that his soft smile was back and she took that for a good sign. When Conor spoke her ears perked up, especially at his last few words. "R-really? You do?" Cambria was glad that understood how odd she felt, but she hadn't been expecting him to tell her she looked pretty. She didn't feel pretty right now, but she also could tell that he wasn't just saying it to say it. A smile crept back onto her lips and she was still blushing beneath her fur but now it wasn't because she was nervous.

The girl looked up to her cousin and her eyes grew wide as he explained how his first shift had gone. Poor Conor! It sounded so awful! "That sounds so awful Conor...I'm sorry it was so bad for you. I didn't know you could even have your first shift that early..." Maybe you weren't supposed to, maybe that's why it had been so scary for him. Since he was younger than he was supposed to be when it first happened maybe no one had told him about it and that's why he had been scared too. That made her think of Anu's words that if you fought it it could hurt and she inwardly winced, thinking that it must have hurt for Conor since he had been so distressed. Thinking about what he had gone through made her current ordeal seem much less daunting.

He reached down to help her up and she took his hand, smiling. Using his strength to help pull herself up she immediately noticed how wobbly her legs were. If she had felt weird sitting there on the ground, now she felt really weird. She was so far off the ground! It was all so disorienting and her long legs felt weak and as soon as she stood up she stumbled forward and fell into Conor. Oh dear, getting out of here might prove more difficult than she had thought.


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