Bouncing Here and There and Everywhere
Awesome. Big Grin

The boy seemed surprised to seem him, but the shock wore off quickly. The child assumed a grim look of determination as he informed Hybrid of the current situation.

It is a wolf, the child stated. It is foolish. I think I heard it talking to itself. It has a big stick. Hybrid nodded in reply; however, he quickly realized the child could not see his movement. Yellow eyes were trained on the intruder, watching the wolf with rapt attention. Hybrid nodded approvingly. The child would do well in Inferni's ranks if he continued such behaviour. Hybrid could only help to encourage it.

"Wolves are arrogant creatures and must be driven away at all costs. Many trespass Inferni's borders. These are indications of their avarice and selfishness. It is every coyote's duty to protect Inferni's borders." He paused for a moment, letting his words sink in. Hybrid did not know how much the child had been taught, or if he was educated in Inferni's laws and customs. "We warn them first. If they do not leave, we attack them. It is simple." Another pause. "I will assist you," he stated at last, red eyes gleaming. He grinned, baring his teeth at the child, and then moved his head so he was looking at the wolf.

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