tomorrow may not come.

Hybrid was content to watch Gabriel as he devoured what little was left of the wolf, almost amused at the entire display. He stood by, chewing on the wolf's hind leg, amused as the wolf yipped, howled, and cried out in pain. He bit down and, chewing off part of the wolf's foot, yanking hard with his head to detach the foot from the leg. The wolf's quiet whimpers had begun to grow louder as Gabriel attacked the wolf's stomach with renewed vigour. Hybrid could see that this was the end for the wolf and did not bothering to interfere: the Aquila would be the last to attack.

Hybrid spat out the piece of the leg he had been gnawing on as the Aquila turned toward him. He smirked, as if laughing at a joke he and Gabriel were sharing. He was the only one laughing, of course. He regarded the other male, then glanced around them. Hybrid was covered in blood, as was Gabriel, and the sand and bits of grass. He grinned as he saw the carcass, wondering how much else they could do to desecrate it. "A stick sharpened on both ends," he muttered. He wondered if they would simply shove the head on a stick, or perhaps, try to recreate the wolf with multiple sticks and let the carcass rot by the borders. Another warning for another wolf.


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