Reclamation Proclamation [aw]
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329 words

Strelein scratched at his left ear, fiddling with the loops. He was not sure how cleanly he had pierced himself, but he hoped he could have someone in the pack check it over; an infection would have been a great way to herald his return. As his arm slid down his neck, fingers brushing against the motley collection of beads. Primaries mingled against colors whose names were too fancy to list fully like garnet, azure, and moss. If the wolf wanted to stick out any further, this was just the thing that would do it. Never would this beast be a great hunter for big game, not with his appearance. He'd have to strip and forsake his jewelry in his lupine form in order to eat. What a bother.

A scent seemed to flutter through the air as though on wings. Strelein lifted his head upwards, gazing at the tree he lounged against. Nails scratched at the bark as he pushed away from it to try and find the source of the identifying scent. Twisting every which way, the redhead's hesitant pose changed almost instantly. Nervousness was still evident in his glances, but his broad grin showed his old self was far from dead. Mocking his first entrance onto these lands as a loner not terribly long ago, he bowed at the woman who had made fun of him.

"My, my, I think I may have lured a firefly away." As he righted himself, Stel smoothed the cloth adorning his body. The shirt was old, though the vest that now covered it was new; it had been made from some sturdy blue material. The chill of the approaching winter had called for some better coverings, despite his fur. Besides, the youth proudly wore it, believing his skills were improving. "And how has this lovely lady been in my absence?" he flirted, securing his now larger bag on his back so that the lute did not prod at his spine.


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