the pale princess of a palace cracked

The first thing that she felt was relief, that her child wasn't talking to a stranger. Naniko knew the wolf that stood on the riverbank, now soaking wet, very well. Rio didn't, though, and a reprimand came from her as soon as she neared the group. "We're outside of our lands, Rio--you must not trust wolves who aren't from Phoenix Valley unless Momma says so. Okay?" The pup was soaking wet as well, making a pitiful sight, and she set Harlowe down on the ground so that she could pick the wet whelp up and comb fingers through her fur to help dry her faster.

Naniko's history was now a long and very entangled one. She had done a lot in her life that she could be proud of and some things that she was not so proud of. She did not regret the night that she had spent with Ehno and never would--it had resulted in some drama in Crimson Dreams, but she wasn't a part of that pack any more. She was away from everything over in Phoenix Valley, where she could raise them in peace and not have to worry about too much. It was probably best for Crimson Dreams too, what she had done. She wanted to forget all about Savina and Anu, and thought that they felt the same.

"Thank you." She said to Kansas first, still combing through Rio's fur. The pup squirmed after a few moments, wanting back down, and she lowered her to the ground. "They've never been outside of the packlands before...I'm sorry that she ran up to you like that. There are so many..sometimes one gets ahead. We're just out exploring--I thought I would show them around the area and tell them where the neighboring packs were. I did wonder if I would run into anyone, but didn't really expect to. How have you been?" She didn't know exactly how he would react to any of this, what his feelings were, but was willing to accept them. She still trusted Kansas, even he no longer had the same faith in her.

The pups sat down around the two adults. Lucia stared up at Kansas, looking between him and her mother. What were they talking about? She wanted to talk, too! Rio was being all quiet...but Lucia had something she could say to them! "Shiiit! Shit Momma! Shitshit! Engwish!" She repeated what the white wolf had told them in English, tail wagging behind her.


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