blow by blow, i didn't see it coming
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SO TALK ABOUT WAITS. I'm really sorry. >.< Things got totally mad over here with school and stuff. Shows me to take 20 units, sigh. Dating to the 8th is completely fine. I've also heard you're sick (DSmile, so don't worry about replying any time soon. ^^ ~350 words.

She had almost caught the damned slippery thing when she heard a voice behind her. Eliza froze, mid-snap. How had she completely missed another wolf's approach? Beyond her embarrassment at being caught acting so immaturely was her embarrassment at getting so caught up in play that she lost sense of her surroundings. That wasn't a good idea, and it wasn't like her to forget herself so completely. Her fur was drenched, dripping and considerably flattened. Eliza didn't go in the water often, even in shallows, but she always had the feeling she looked rather foolish soaking wet -- she was rather fluffy normally, and she figured looked rather like a drowned rat after jumping through the spring.

In her discomfort, she vaguely registered that the other wolf had asked her a question. She turned, finally, to face her packmate. The other's coat was white like her own, but oddly marked. Strange. Eliza hadn't seen very many examples of fur modification where she came from, and the idea of it was still very odd. "I was just--" Eliza began, and then stopped. She had been about to finish "catching fish," but in all honesty that was clearly not the case. Unfortunately, no catching had been taking place, much to her chagrin. It was embarrassing enough to be caught acting like this, but to be caught blatantly failing at her puppyish pursuit... it turned out that she could feel awkward in wholly new, awesome ways. Suddenly feeling somewhat chilled, she shook herself briskly, trying to try out a bit, and headed closer to the other female on dry land. "I was just trying for some fish," she finished, lamely.

On getting closer to the strangely-marked wolf, Eliza noticed that she looked rather... out of it. She wondered if perhaps the female wasn't feeling well, but then tried to dismiss the thought as none of her business. She was holding some rather peculiar looking objects which, to her nose, smelled quite unlike anything she had come across before. She was curious, but then the other wolf's possessions were none of her business, either.


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