burning beacon in the night
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... mbiban.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
They're so cute :3 300+

Currently the incident that had happened with their first meeting was far from her mind. She had just been pleasantly surprised to hear him say that he thought she looked pretty right now. Though at his comment it all came rushing back and she gave a sheepish grin. "Oh yeah... Well, you should only give a compliment if you mean it. You did say that you didn't mean I wasn't that first time though," she teased him lightly. Not that she wanted him go back and say that no, in fact, he really didn't think she was pretty, but she had a feeling that wasn't the case at all. Conor wasn't someone to lie and toy with people like that. He was just trying to lighten the mood of the situation and Cambria was willing to go along in that venture. It appeared that what had happened with his first shift no longer bothered him, but hearing him say that he at the time had thought he might be dying was scary. The girl had felt that way once and the memory of it brought her eyes back to the ground. "Yeah...I've felt that way before too..." She didn't really want to go into it, she just wanted him to know she understood.

As Conor laughed she couldn't help but laugh herself. She must look silly, like a new foal taking her first unbalanced steps on long, thin legs. It was a good thing her cousin was strong and able to support her weight. Not like she weighed much, she had always been the smallest out of her siblings, but if another girl her age had found her she probably would've toppled the both of them over with her stumble. She nodded her head against his chest. "Yes, I think slow would be good." At this moment Cambria doubted that she could go fast even if she wanted to. The boy withdrew from her but still held onto her hands, which she was thankful for. Carefully and shakily she took one step after him and then another. On her third attempt she started to sway to the side and had to hold tight to Conor's hands and bounce on her foot to keep from toppling over. "This is so weird!" Her equilibrium was all out of sorts.


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