Somethin' filled up my heart with nothin'


Smiling fondly at his mother's gesture and wagging his tail happily at her greeting, Gotham snuggled back into her before sitting down at her side. He really did feel like he was being raised as a prince, surrounded by royalty. The boy was starting to learn mannerisms becoming of such a title, and he hoped that soon he would have a nice big sword just like some of the friends he had made had. Then he would be able to go on grand adventures and see things he had never seen before! He was going up, quickly, and though he was eager to see things that adults could see, he missed the days he romped with his sisters, and the days that he could squeeze in between his parents on the bed. Such things had to be given up in order to grow up, however, and all attempts to retain childish pleasantries would fail, or at least, render them meaningless.


The mixture of Italian and English was something that made him smile just a little more, the rolling rhythm of his mother's native language reminiscent of the waves as they came to the shore. His gaze had wandered to the lake, shrouded in raindrops and fog, but now it turned back to Savina. Still smiling, he shrugged slightly and said lightly, "I don't know." After a second of thought he added, "I guess that nothing brought me out, it was just that nothing kept me in." He grinned, looking into her eyes. It seemed that there was a sadness there, but he was unable to do more than just detect it. "Did something bring you out?"


Gotham spent most of his time outside, mostly because the mansion had become familiar and, though comforting, unexciting. There was a vast unknown outside those doors, and the youngster yearned to learn it. The rain transformed the landscape, so of course, he had to explore it. He had to get a little wet once in a while.


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